Fan Content Policy


  • Last updated 2023-02-16 

Everyone at Raw Fury appreciates all the support shown by our players and are honoured that players want to create artwork based on the Kingdom IP (i.e., Kingdom, Kingdom: New Lands, Kingdom Two Crowns and any other game or work related to Kingdom). While we love to see the incredible things that you create, the team spends a lot of time, effort, and resources expanding the world and intellectual property of Kingdom and we need to protect it.  

So we created this Policy to explain what you can and can’t do with your Fan Content based on the Kingdom IP so that you can navigate these waters confidently. In this Policy, “Fan Content” means: your personal artwork, designs, videos, or fiction that is based on the Kingdom IP.  

Please read this Policy carefully before creating any Fan Content:  


Raw Fury and its artists, developers and writers are constantly coming up with new adaptations and versions of the Kingdom IP’s assets, characters and related elements. So, if some day, you see something in a Kingdom game or creative work that reminds you of something that you included in your Fan Content, please understand that such similarity is coincidental. Raw Fury receives a lot of Fan Content and due to the stylized pixel look of the Kingdom games, future adaptations of the Kingdom IP might end up having a theme and assets that look similar to the Fan Content you have created: such a similarity is also coincidental. 

General Rules 

  1. You may create Fan Content based on or inspired by the Kingdom IP and share it as long as you comply with this Policy. Any Fan Content that violates this Policy is prohibited. Any use of the Kingdom IP without permission is illegal and a violation of our rights.   

  2. Hey, artists - we know some of you need to make a living. You may distribute your own Fan Content with a commercial (i.e., monetary) objective - yes, you can sell it! - as long as you comply with a few things. Namely, that you do not use existing logos, trademarks, visual assets, audio, or designs from the Kingdom IP or Kingdom games in your commercially distributed Fan Content – unless your Fan Content is a Let’s Play video or review video in which case you may use visual and audio assets as further explained in our Let’s Play policy: Additionally, you may not imply that the Fan Content is affiliated with the Kingdom IP, nor endorsed or approved by Raw Fury as per point 6. 

  3. While it's super cool that some of you have ideas on how to improve and expand on the Kingdom games, we kindly ask you not to send unsolicited design concepts or game ideas to us. Not because we don't want to see them, but because it can put us in a tricky legal position when we plan future adaptations of the Kingdom IP. So please, do not send your unsolicited game ideas to official accounts or employees of Raw Fury or Fury Studios; we will delete them without review.  

  4. However, we will sometimes ask you to share your Fan Content or ideas with us! In order for us to be able to share the results of competitions or similar events, we need to clarify a few things. If you do send us Fan Content or game ideas as part of an official competition or request, we will have the right to repost it and use it in-game or game-related material (including in marketing materials), in which case we will inform and credit you for your work. By participating in official competitions or requests, you hereby grant to Raw Fury a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to exploit, commercially or otherwise, such specific Fan Content for its business purposes in all media now known or hereafter devised, in whole or in part, distorted in character or form.  

  5. It hopefully goes without saying, but here it is anyway: Fan Content must comply with applicable law, may not violate the rights of others, and must not be obscene, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, or harmful to others.  

  6. And finally, you may not say nor imply that your Fan Content is endorsed or approved by Raw Fury or Fury Studios. You may not create or use any Fan Content in a manner that could cause people to believe that it is an official Kingdom production.   

Whew, that's a lot of legalese! But now you have all the knowledge you need in order to make your Fan Content and share it with the world.  

We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time by posting the revised Policy to our website. Thank you for reading!